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Installation of the Collaboration Manager

This guide will help you set up the Capella Collaboration Manager on a Kubernetes cluster. The setup of the basic installation is straightforward, but we'll also delve into the more complex TeamForCapella support that requires building custom Docker images.

During development, we also took into account that the application can be installed in highly restricted environments. An internet connection is not necessarily required.

Step 1: Set up a Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes allows us to make operations as simple as possible later on. Updates can be fully automated. In addition, Kubernetes allows us to ensure a secure operation through standardized security hardening.

You can use an existing cloud service to create a Kubernetes cluster. We have running production deployments on Microsoft AKS and Amazon EKS. The application is designed in such a way that no cluster scope is necessary. All operations run at the namespace level, so it even runs in shared OpenShift clusters. But also if you simply have a Linux server at your disposal, this is no obstacle.

If you already have a running cluster, have kubectl up and running and can reach the cluster, then you can skip this step.

We provide instructions for some environments. If you set up the application in a different environment, please document the installation and obstacles that you find and we would be happy to receive a PR to help other users in the future.


We have tested the instructions with Ubuntu Server 22.04.

  1. Run steps 1-4 of the official microK8s Getting started guide.

  2. Enable all required add-ons:

    microk8s enable hostpath-storage # For persistent storage
    microk8s enable rbac # For role-based access control
    microk8s enable ingress # For load balancing

  3. If you don't have any external registry available and TeamForCapella support is required, enable the registry:
    microk8s enable registry
    export DOCKER_REGISTRY=localhost:32000
  4. Copy the kubectl configuration to the host, so that helm can pick it up:
    mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
    microk8s config > $HOME/.kube/config
    chmod 600 $HOME/.kube/config # Nobody else should be able to read the configuration
  5. Optional, but recommended: Set up a NFS for workspaces and Juypter file-shares. The default hostpath-storage of microK8S doesn't enforce the specified capacity on PVCs. This can be exploited by a user uploading so much data to their workspace that the server goes out of disk storage.

    Please follow the official instructions:

    Make sure to update the backend.storageClassName in the values.yaml in step 6 to nfs-csi. All new Jupyter file-shares and personal workspaces will use the new storage class then.

    User mapping for non-root containers

    If you want to run the session containers as non-root, you can set the runAsUser value in the podSecurityContext of the values.yaml. In the default configuration, runAsUser is set to 1004370000.

    Unfortunately our setup NFS does not respect the fsGroup option. Therefore, all volumes are mounted with nobody:nogroup per default. This will lead to permission errors and crashing session containers.

    To fix it, change the /etc/exports file and modify the options for the create file-share to:


    Replace <user-id-of-session-containers> with the value of the runAsUser value of the Kubernetes Pod security context.

    Then, apply the new configuration by running exportfs -ra.

We are constantly working on expanding our documentation. This installation method is currently not documented. If it is relevant, please feel free to contact us at or open an issue in this repository.

We are constantly working on expanding our documentation. This installation method is currently not documented. If it is relevant, please feel free to contact us at or open an issue in this repository.

Step 2: Validate the Available Resources

The minimum required resources are 3 Kubernetes CPU cores and around 2,5GiB of memory for the management platform. Depending on the load, the instance can scale up and is limited to 10 Kubernetes CPU cores cores and ~8GiB of memory.

Each session requires a minimum of 0.4 Kubernetes CPU cores and 1.6Gi of memory. A session can scale up until it reaches 2 Kubernetes CPU cores and 6Gi of memory.

Step 3: Set up the Required Namespaces (Optional)

The Collaboration Manager requires two different namespaces. For security and overview reasons, they are separated:

  • Capella Collaboration Manager control namespace: In this namespace, we run the core application. It has full control over the sessions namespace and consists of the following services:

    • Frontend
    • Backend
    • Documentation
    • Guacamole
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana (Loki), can be disabled in the values.yaml
  • Sessions namespace. The namespace is controlled by the control namespace and you won't need to touch it. In the session namespace, the following services run:

    • Storage for persistent workspaces
    • Storage for Juypter file-shares
    • Pipeline jobs for nightly TeamForCapella to Git synchronisation
    • Session containers (Capella, Papyrus, Juypter, pure::variants)
  1. Create the two required namespaces:

    kubectl create namespace collab-manager # If you use another name, please update the following commands and use your namespace name.
    kubectl create namespace collab-sessions # If you use another name, please update the `values.yaml` accordingly.
  2. Set the collab-manager as default namespace in the default context (optional):

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=collab-manager

Step 4: Install helm

Follow the official instructions to install Helm: Installing helm

Verify that helm is working by executing the command:

helm version

Step 5: Clone the Github Repository

Navigate to a persistent location on your server, e.g. /opt. Then clone the Github repository by running:

git clone

Step 6: Configure the Environment / Create the values.yaml

Copy the values.yaml to a persistent and secure location on your server or deployment environment. The local directory in the Collaboration Manager is gitignored. We recommend to put the custom values.yaml in this directory.

Make sure to set restrictive permissions on the values.yaml:

chmod 600 values.yaml

Adjust all values according to your needs.


You can overwrite individual images by setting the docker.images.* values. This is useful to set Guacamole to a fixed version to avoid restarts during updates, which would lead to session interruptions.

Step 7: Install the Application in the Cluster

Run the following commands in the root directory of the repository:

helm dependency update ./helm
helm upgrade --install \
    --namespace collab-manager \
    --values <path-to-your-custom-values.yaml> \
    <release-name> \

Step 8: Initialize the Guacamole Database

The Guacamole database is not initialized automatically. Run the following command to initialize the PostgreSQL database:

kubectl exec --container <release-name>-guacamole-guacamole deployment/<release-name>-guacamole-guacamole -- /opt/guacamole/bin/ --postgresql | \
    kubectl exec -i deployment/<release-name>-guacamole-postgres -- psql -U guacamole guacamole

After the initialization, the Guacamole password defaults to guacadmin. We have to change it to a more secure password:

  1. Open http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ and login with guacadmin / guacadmin.
  2. Click on the guacadmin user at the top-right corner of the screen, then select "Settings".
  3. Select the tab "Preferences"
  4. In the "Change password" section, enter guacadmin as current password. Generate a secure password and enter it for "New password" and confirm it. Then, click "Update password"
  5. Log out and verify that the combination guacadmin / guacadmin no longer works.
  6. Update the key guacamole.password in the values.yaml and repeat step 7.

Step 9: Check the Application Status

Run kubectl get pods to see the status of all components. Once all containers are running, verify the installation state by running:

curl http://localhost/api/v1/health/general

It should return the following JSON:

{ "guacamole": true, "database": true, "operator": true }

If a value is false, check the backend logs for more information.

Step 10: Add TeamForCapella Support

TeamForCapella server required

The setup of the TeamForCapella server and license server itself will not be part of this tutorial. To process, you'll need to have a running and reachable TeamForCapella server.

Container registry required

For the TeamForCapella support, you'll need to build own Docker images. In order to use this in the cluster, an external or internal container registry is required.

  1. Install GNU make >= 3.82
  2. Navigate to the root of the capella-collab-manager repository.
  3. Clone the capella-dockerimages repository:
    git clone
  4. Prepare the capella/base and t4c/client/base images according to the Capella Docker images documentation (Only the preparation section is needed):

  5. Set the following environment variables:

    export PUSH_IMAGES=1 # Auto-push images to the container registry after build
    export DOCKER_REGISTRY=<your-registry> # Location of your remote or local container registry
    export CAPELLA_BUILD_TYPE=offline # Don't download Capella during each build
    export CAPELLA_VERSIONS="5.2.0 6.0.0 6.1.0" # Space separated list of Capella versions to build
    export CAPELLA_DROPINS="" # Command separated list of dropins
  6. Then, build the t4c/client/remote images (the one that we'll use in the Collaboration Manager):

    make t4c/client/remote
  7. In the Collaboration Manager UI, change the docker image of the tool to <registry>/t4c/client/remote:<capella-version>-latest