Full Setup & Integration of a TeamForCapella Project

This tutorial will guide you through the full setup of a new TeamForCapella-based project in the Collaboration Manager.

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Create a new tool model in the project you created, select Capella as tool and the version you want to use.
  3. Link the TeamForCapella repository to the new model if you have not done so already.
  4. Link a Git repository if you have not done so already. It's required for the backup pipelines as well as for the diagram cache and model complexity badge.
  5. Make sure that the right version and nature is configured for the tool model! If they are not configured properly, you would not see the TeamForCapella repository in the later export step.
  6. Spawn a new persistent session. Select Capella as the tool, and select the previously selected tool version.
  7. Once Capella is open, create a new empty Capella project or import the project that you want to initialize the TeamForCapella repository with.
  8. Export the model to the new TeamForCapella repository.
  9. Set up a backup pipeline.
  10. Set up the model complexity badge.
  11. Set up the diagram cache
  12. Verify that everything works as expected.