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TeamForCapella Project Management

This page describes how to manage T4C projects in T4C repositories. It does not cover the management of T4C repositories. For the management of T4C repositories, refer to the TeamForCapella repository management guide.

Create a new TeamForCapella Project

  1. Make sure that you have a T4C repository available. If not, refer to the TeamForCapella repository management guide.
  2. Create an empty Capella project in your workspace. Then, export it to the T4C repository. For more information, refer to the TeamForCapella project export guide.

Delete a TeamForCapella Project

  1. Open a persistent Capella session and connect to it.
  2. Enable the TeamForCapella administration capability:
    Window > Preferences > General > Capabilities: Activate TeamForCapella administration capabilities Then close the dialog.
  3. Open the Capella search, type in CDO Sessions (CDO) and open it.
  4. Add a new CDO connection: Add a new CDO connection
  5. Enter the connection string for the TeamForCapella server. There are two ways to find the correct one. Make sure that the host is prefixed with tcp://.

    1. Global administrators can navigate in the Collab Manager to Menu > Settings > Model sources > TeamForCapella > Select the instance > Host.
    2. Project managers can use the TeamForCapella connection flow described in the Connect to a TeamForCapella repository guide. In the Connect to Shared Project dialog, select the repository, expand "Connection information" and copy the "Repository host". Find out T4C server host
  6. Enter the repository name and confirm with "Ok". Open CDO session

  7. Open a CDO session transaction: Open a CDO transaction
  8. Expand the transaction, select the project to delete, right click, and select "Delete...": Delete a T4C project
  9. Confirm the deletion with "Ok" and wait until the transaction is finished. This can take a few minutes.