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Code Style

Naming Conventions

Crud Functions

Creating Resource

For creating a resource one should use create as a prefix followed by the resource one wants to create (e.g., createProject(...): Observable<Project>)

Retriving Resources

In general, one should use get as prefix for a function that retrieves and returns resources. In case, one wants to get a list of alls resources use get + <resource type> + s as function name (e.g., getProjects). In case, one wants to get a specific resource use get + <resource type> + By + <property> as function name (e.g., getProjectByName(name: string)). The only exception to this rule is the case where one wants to get a resource by its identifier where the By + <property> part can be omitted (e.g., getProject(id: number)).

In some services, we use the concept of having a static representation of a resource or a list of resources as observable inside the service. For example,

private _gitModel = new BehaviorSubject<GetGitModel | undefined>(undefined);
private _gitModels = new BehaviorSubject<GetGitModel[] | undefined>(undefined);

readonly gitModel = this._gitModel.asObservable();
readonly gitModels = this._gitModels.asObservable();

In this case, we use the prefix load to retrieve the data but instead of returning it the data is published to all subscribers. However, the naming rules from above also apply here (e.g., loadGitModels to publish all git models to the gitModels observable and loadGitModelById to publish only one git model to the gitModel observable)