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Mobile view / Responsive design

Even though opening a Capella session on a mobile device might seem impractical, we still want to ensure the application is usable on mobile devices.

Our goal is to ensure all features are optimized for mobile view.


  • Smallest width is 375px (iPhone SE)
  • Smallest height is 667px (iPhone SE)
  • The breakpoint width between mobile and desktop view is 1280px for the navigation bar. When the screen is smaller than 1280px, the navigation bar is hidden and can be expanded by clicking on the hamburger menu. The application should be able to be used on all screen sizes that are wider than the smallest width. Therefore the breakpoint can vary from component to component.

Responsive design with TailwindCSS

Tailwind supports responsive design. More information is available in the documentation: Responsive Design.

For example, class="hidden md:flex" hides an element on mobile devices and uses flexbox on devices larger than 768px.

Best Practices

  • Avoid Tables: They're not natively responsive. Making them so demands significant effort.
  • Leverage Flexboxes: Ideally, utilize class="flex flex-wrap" to ensure content adjusts appropriately on various screens.
  • Set Boundaries: Implement max-w-[90vw] to avoid content spilling out of view. You can change the class="90vw" to another value, depending on your needs.
  • Centering Content: When aesthetics and usability align, consider vertically centering elements via class="flex justify-center" on the parent element.

Example from the application

If you want to see an code example of responsive design in the application, you can check the HeaderComponent HTML template: frontend/src/app/general/header/header.component.html. You can search for xl: and play around with it.

Debugging & Testing with Chrome DevTools


This section specifically addresses Chrome's DevTools. Other browsers might offer similar debugging tools.

  1. Initiating DevTools: Simply right-click on any web page element and choose "Inspect".
  2. Switching to Mobile View: Click the "mobile devices" icon. Open mobile devices view in Chrome DevTools
  3. Choose a Device or Adjust Orientation: Pick a device from the dropdown or adjust the viewport rotation.
    Select a device from the list