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Frontend Routes

For consistency, we have a strict structure for our frontend route URIs. The structure is based on REST, but not completely the same due to the limitations of the unavailable request methods.

  • /resources for the resource overview, e.g., /projects for the projects overview
  • /resources/action for a specific action (not related to a specific instance of the resource), e.g., /projects/create to create a project. Possible actions are:
  • create
  • delete
  • or any other action if the action is not used to create or delete a resource.
  • /resources/action/subaction for a specific action related to a parent action, e.g., /project/:name/models/create/source to go to the source stage of the model creation.
  • resource/:name to access a single instance of type resource.
  • resource/:name/childresource to access a single child resource of a specific instance from type resource.


Valid routes are:

  • /project/test/models/create is a valid route to create a model in the project test.
  • /projects is a valid route for the overview of projects.

These are not valid:

  • /project/create (project should be plural)
  • /models (models is a child resource of projects, therefore it should be /projects/:id/models)