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Pull Request Acceptance Criteria

To reduce the burden on our maintainers, all PRs must meet the following criteria before we start the review process. If the acceptance criteria are not met, please mark the PR as a draft.

  • All Github Action pipelines have to be green. If in individual cases the pipeline cannot be fixed independently or the pipeline failure is unrelated to the PR, then this should be justified in a comment in the pull request.
  • The adapted code was sensibly covered with tests. Codecov will indicate the test coverage with a comment.
  • New features must be documented in the user documentation. If changes are made to existing functionality, the existing documentation must be adapted.
  • Frontend changes must always be mobile optimized / responsive. You can find the requirements here.
  • Migration scripts must also be written for changes to database models. They can be auto-generated, more information can be found here.
  • The PR and commit descriptions describe the changes in a comprehensible way. Breaking changes must be marked as such. Commit messages have to follow the Conventional Commits specification.
  • If there are conflicts with the main branch, they must be resolved.
  • The frontend code must follow our frontend code style guide.
  • The backend code must follow our backend code style guide.
  • Make sure that all raised exceptions use our custom exception classes, which can be resolved by the frontend.
  • For each changed or added component in the frontend, a storybook story must be created. You can find more information here.

Once all acceptance criteria are met, you can mark the PR as ready for review and a maintainer will review it.