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Set up a Backup for a TeamForCapella Model


You need to have the Administrator or Project Lead role for a project to perform the following steps.


Models are not automatically backed up! Please make sure to set up a nightly backup for important content.

We offer a feature to create a backup from any TeamForCapella repository to any Git repository. These can be triggered manually and can be executed nightly at around 3pm.

  1. Navigate to Projects
  2. Select the relevant project
  3. Make sure that you have added at least one TeamForCapella model (source) and at least one Git repository to the model (destination)
  4. In the model overview, select the Synchronize-button

    Model overview

  5. You can see a list of all registered backup pipelines. In our case, there is not registered backup pipeline yet.

    Backup pipeline

  6. Click on the Plus-icon on the top right and select the corresponding configuration. You have to select a Git model (source) and a T4C model (destination).

    Create a backup pipeline


    If you choose the Include commit history-option, backups are resource-intensive and each backup can take up to 5 hours depending on the size!

  7. Confirm your selection with the Create button.