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Set up the Diagram Cache Integration


Please note the following limitations:

  • The diagram cache is only available for your own Gitlab and Github projects. You can also use it for public projects if the diagram cache gets pushed to the repository.
  • You need a pipeline in the Git repository of the model, which serves the diagrams via job artifacts Gitlab or job artifacts Github (see also limitations for private repositories). The job has to be called update_capella_diagram_cache and has to generate the following files:

    • diagram_cache/index.json
    • diagram_cache/{uuid}.svg for each diagram

    In addition, the job can push the diagram cache to a branch diagram-cache/.

  • One pipeline in the linked Git repository should not contain more than 20 jobs.

  1. To set up the diagram cache, your administrator needs to add the Git API URL of your Gitlab or Github instance to the collab manager. More information here.
  2. Link a Git repository to the model, for which you'd like to see the diagram cache.


    The diagram cache integration uses the credentials, which are assigned when creating the Git model integration. Limit the scopes of the used token, only scope read_api (Gitlab) and read-only for the "actions" scope of the repository permissions (Github, Personal Access Token) is required.

  3. Follow the CI template instructions

  4. Gitlab

  5. Github

to add the diagram cache pipeline to the linked repository.

  1. You're ready to go. Validate if the setup works: View the diagrams