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Browse, Upload and Download Files

  1. Navigate to the Session tab.
  2. On the right side, select the corresponding session. Select the persistent session to upload files into your persistent workspace. Click the File Browser button:

    File Browser button

  3. Wait until the list of files has loaded.

    Upload button


    It is currently only possible to upload files with a file size of less than 30MB. For larger files we recommend a data transfer via Git.

  4. Expand the directories by clicking on the directory icon (1) until you find the directories where you want to upload your file to. Click the upload button (2) next to the directory name.

    Upload files button

  5. Now, select the file(s) to upload and confirm. The files to be uploaded are marked in green.

    List of files to upload

  6. When you're ready and selected all files to upload, confirm your selection with Submit.

  7. The upload can take a few seconds/minutes, depending on the file size.
  8. When the upload was successful, the dialog closes without error message.


  1. Navigate to the Session tab.
  2. On the right side, select the corresponding session. Select the persistent session to download files into your persistent workspace. Click the File Browser button:

    File Browser button

  3. Wait until the list of files has loaded.

    Download button


    To download files from hidden directories, e.g., the workspace metadata, one has to expand these directories by clicking Show hidden files

  4. Expand the directories by clicking on the directory icon (1) until you find the directories where you want to download your file from. Click the download button (2) next to the directory name and your browser will start the download.

    Download files button

  5. You can see in your browser whether your download was successful.