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Request Session

Please follow these steps to request a session:

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab inside the web application, and select your project.
  2. In the project select a model tool and version in the "Read-only session" section. Only tools and versions used in the project are shown.
  3. Click the Request a read-only session button.
  4. A popup will request you to select the models that are compatible with the selected tool. Once you select a model, you get the option to select a branch.
  5. You have an option to create a "deep clone". Normally only the latest version of a model is loaded. A deep clone will make all previous revisions available. It will take longer to start the session.
  6. Click the Start session button.
  7. You're redirected to the Sessions tab.
  8. Wait for your read-only session to become ready and open it with the Connect button.

Automatic Session Termination

When your session is inactive for a long time (default 90 minutes), your session is terminated. A session is considered inactive when there is no user activity with your session, even if you have your session open in the browser.

For read-only sessions this means that you have to start a new session. For persistent sessions the data is persisted, and you can just request a new session.