Session sharing

It's possible to share a session with other users. Session sharing can be used to collaborate with other users on the same session in real-time.

The invited users will get full access to your session and can act on your behalf. Make sure to trust the entered users and to monitor the session at any time. The session will be shared until it is terminated. To revoke session access for a user, terminate your session.

  1. Navigate to your Active Sessions
  2. Find the session and select Share.


    If you don't see the Share button, the tool does not support session sharing.

  3. To add users, enter their username in the input field. You add multiple users by confirming with Enter after each username. The list with users will be in the pending state. To invite the users, read and confirm the safety information and confirm with Submit.

  4. Once shared, the session will appear in the user's active sessions list. The invited users can connect to the session as known from own sessions.


    The invited users can't terminate the session or share the session to other users.