
My session window doesn't scale properly

If you use a direct session connection via Guacamole, the window doesn't scale automatically after browser resizing. You can manually trigger a resize by pressing the "Refresh" button in your browser.

Alternatively, you can use our internal session viewer, which comes with automatic scaling out of the box.

The session requests takes a long time

If a session takes a few minutes to start, it means that you've reached a new node that doesn't have the requested tool installed (for load balancing reasons, we distribute the sessions across different servers). This can happen after updates on our end (e.g. when the tool configuration or dependencies are updated) or updates from the cluster operator. In both cases, we pull a new Docker image (which can be understood as a reinstallation of the tool) on demand.

I've minimized my window in Xpra and can't get it back

Just refresh the page in the browser. The window should appear again.

The clipboard doesn't work anymore.

This is a known bug with our used RDP-server xrdp. xrdp maintains so called channels, which are managed by the process chansrv. One channel is cliprdr, which enables the clipboard feature. However, chansrv doesn't terminate properly on session disconnects and chansrv doesn't accept new connections. This leads to the fact that the clipboard doesn't work anymore after a reconnect. The bug is tracked in the xrdp Github repository and in our Github repository.

The only solution for now: You have to terminate the existing session and create a new session to get a working clipboard again.

My read-only sessions shows 'Modelloading failed'

This happens if the loading of one of the models fails. Please reach out your project lead. If you are project lead, please check the primary Git models with a matching tool version of your project. These are used for the read-only session. Common mistakes are wrong credentials, wrong entrypoints (e.g. with typos) and missing aird-files.

If you have no success, please reach out your administrator. Administrators can see the logs of read-only sessions.

The TeamForCapella password doesn't work

Since we have released version 2, users have to use sessions passwords. More information can be found here. If you have been added to a project recently while having a running session, please recreate your session to get a valid session password for the models of the required project.

I can't use the Control key for the secondary/right-click on macOS

Please use an external mouse or use the trackpad gesture (click with two fingers on the trackpad).

The sessions run on Linux and the Control key can't be mapped properly via the remote desktop protocol.