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Connect to a TeamForCapella Repository


Connecting to a T4C model in that way will open a connection and automatically write changes back to the T4C model. If you do not want to write changes back you can follow the import T4C model tutorial

To access a TeamForCapella based model you first need read/write access from a model lead (usually this role is allocated to lead architects / area owners).


Please request a persistent session before you continue with the instructions here.

  1. During the session creation, you perhaps already noticed the TeamForCapella session token. If you've already closed the dialog, please reopen it by clicking Connect for your desired session under Active Sessions. Whenever you create a session, we select all TeamForCapella models with the same Capella version that you have access to. For those repositories, we create a session token and register it with TeamForCapella. The access is revoked after session termination. Please copy the session token (you can just click on the text to copy it):

    Session password

  2. When Capella is finally loaded you navigate to File > New > Other.

    Open Connection dialog

  3. Expand Team for Capella and select Capella Connected Project:

    Connect to remote model

  4. In the drop down select the repository you like to work on. In most cases the repository and project name should match.

  5. Click on Test connection and enter you username and the session token you received in the first step. Test TeamForCapella connection


    The username in the Test connection dialog should be already pre-filled, however if this is not the case you may need to fill it in manually.


    Do not make use of the Remember me functionality.

  6. When the connection test is completed successfully you can click the Next button.

  7. Finally a Project selection dialog should appear - the defaults are usually good, just click Finish. This should result in a new folder in your Project Explorer. Open the project, locate a file with a .aird extension and double-click it to open the model in read-write mode.

    Project explorer