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Export a Capella Model from your Persistent Workspace to a TeamForCapella Server


To export a Capella model to a TeamForCapella server, you need at least the Read/Write-permission for the project.

  1. Open a persistent session with the corresponding Capella version.
  2. Wait until Capella has started.
  3. Expand the project you'd like to export in the Project explorer.
  4. Right-click on the .aird file.
  5. Select Export in the menu.
  6. A dialog with the title Select should open. Expand TeamForCapella, select Capella Project to Remote Repository and confirm with Next: Capella Project to Remote Repository
  7. Select the repository from the dropdown menu. Click on the Test connection button and enter your session token. Click on Next. Select repository for export
  8. Select the overwrite strategy. If the project doesn't exist on the server yet, choose Replace. Otherwise, select Merge. Overwrite strategy
  9. In the next step, you have to select images to export.
  10. Finish the export with Finish.