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Import a Capella Model from a TeamForCapella Server into your Persistent Workspace


To import a Capella model into your persistent workspace, you need at least the Read/Write-permission in the project.


This imports a model into your workspace and changes are not automatically saved back to the T4C repository. If you want to save changes directly back to the server use this documentation.

  1. Open a persistent session with the corresponding Capella version.
  2. Wait until Capella has started.
  3. Click on File > Import....
    Capella import dialog
  4. A dialog with the title Select should open. In the dialog, expand TeamForCapella, select Capella project from remote repository and confirm with Next. Import project from remote repository
  5. Select the repository from the dropdown menu. Click on the Test connection button and enter your session token. Select repository for import
  6. Click on Next .


    Do NOT modify the default location. Only the /workspace directory is persistent. Use default location


    Project already exists in workspace If you get the message A project with the same name already exists in your workspace, change the name in the Local Project Name field. Change local project name

  7. Select Import all images during the next step (step does not exist on Capella 5.x.x). Import all images

  8. Confirm with Finish. You should see a success message: Imported resources
  9. Click on Ok and the project should appear in your persistent workspace.