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Base image


The Docker image name for this image is base

Our base image updates all apt-get packages and installs the following packages:

  • python3
  • python3-pip

Also, we create a custom user techuser. This user will always be used to run the containers and allows to assign a custom UID. This can make sense, if you want to deploy the containers in a K8s cluster and your company has some security restrictions (e.g. specific UID ranges).

Feel free to modify this image to your specific needs. You are able to set proxies, custom registry URLs, your timezone, CA certificates and any other stuff.

The following environment variable can be set in all images:

  • WORKSPACE_DIR: The directory applications (Eclipse, Capella, Jupyter) will use as workspace. The workspace directory shall be a subdirectory of /workspace or /home/techuser.

Use the prebuilt image


where $CAPELLA_DOCKER_IMAGES_REVISION is the tag or branch of this repository. In case of branches, replace all characters matching the regex [^a-zA-Z0-9.] with -.

Build it yourself

Build it manually with Docker

To build the base image, please run:

docker build -t base base

Important: If your company has a specific base image with all company configurations, of course, it can also be used:

docker build -t base --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$CUSTOM_IMAGE base

Make sure that your $CUSTOM_IMAGE is a Linux image that has the common tools installed and uses the apt / apt-get package manager. If this is not the case, the image can not be used. Our images were tested with the image debian:bookworm.

If you like to set a custom UID for the user techuser, you can run:

docker build -t base --build-arg UID=1001 base