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Capella introduction

Supported versions

Currently, we support Capella versions 5.0.0, 5.2.0, 6.0.0, and 6.1.0.

Supported architectures

Currently, we support amd64 for all supported Capella version. In addition, we added support for arm64 starting with Capella 6.0.0.

Supported dropins

Starting with version v1.11.0, we have prebuilt images with a pre-selected sets of dropins. Available options are:

If you need a custom set of dropins, you have two options:

Option 1: Mount a dropins folder with additional dropins into /opt/capella/dropins when starting the container.

Option 2: Build the capella/base Docker image manually. More information: Build it yourself

Tagging schema for prebuilt images

The Capella related images are tagged using the following schema:

$CAPELLA_VERSION-$DROPINS_TYPE-$CAPELLA_DOCKER_IMAGES_REVISION, e.g., 6.0.0-selected-dropins-v1.10.2 for Capella version 6.0.0 with selected dropins and Capella Docker images revision v1.10.2.

$CAPELLA_VERSION is the semantic version of Capella (see supported versions above). $DROPINS_TYPE is the name of the set of dropins. $CAPELLA_DOCKER_IMAGES_REVISION can be a tag or branch of this repository. In case of branches, all characters matching the regex [^a-zA-Z0-9.] will be replaced with -.

We don't tag images with the latest tag. You may want to use $CAPELLA_VERSION-selected-dropins-main for the latest version, but we recommend using tags for the best stability.


  • You can mount a Capella workspace inside the container by appending the following to the docker run command:

    -v /path/to/your/local/volume:/workspace