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TeamForCapella client base


The Docker image name for this image is t4c/client/base

The T4C base image builds on top of the Capella base image and installs the T4C client plugins.

Build it yourself


Download TeamForCapella bundle

  1. Download a Team for Capella client for Linux from

    Note that the T4C client version must match the version for Capella itself. To obtain a Linux T4C client version below 5.2 you may want to contact Obeo to get a bundle.

  2. Extract the downloaded archive. The extracted folder comes with a .zip file containing the T4C client:

    $ tree -L 2 TeamForCapella-5.0.0-linux.gtk.x86_64
    ├── (...)
    └── updateSite
  3. That .zip file needs to be copied into the subdirectory t4c/updateSite/$CAPELLA_VERSION of the present repository.

Optional: Add feature patches

It is possible to provide feature patches for our t4c base image that are installed after the initial installation. To install such feature patches, you have to do the following things.

  1. The feature patch .zip file needs to be copied into the subdirectory t4c/updateSite/$CAPELLA_VERSION of the present repository
  2. You have to create the patch_info.csv file inside the same subdirectory if not yet existing
  3. You have to add a new line to the patch_info.csv having the following format:
<feature patch zip file>,<install iu>,<tag>

In case that you have one feature patch zip containing different things you want to install you can provide multiple install iu, each with a whitespace seperated. So in this case the patch_info.csv would contain a line with the following format:

<feature patch zip file>,<install iu 1> <install iu 2> ... <install iu n>,<tag>

Please ensure that the patch_info.csv contains an empty line at the end otherwise the last feature patch might not be installed.

Build it manually with Docker

Build the container:

docker build -t t4c/client/base --build-arg CAPELLA_VERSION=$CAPELLA_VERSION t4c

Run the container

Running the T4C client container is analogous to the Capella Base container. Please run the instructions of the Capella Base container, but add the following environment variables during the docker run command:

    -e T4C_JSON='[{"repository": "", "port": 0, "host": "", "instance": "", "protocol": "ssl"}]' \

Please replace the followings variables:

  • $T4C_LICENCE_SECRET with your TeamForCapella licence secret.
  • $T4C_USERNAME with the username that is suggested when connecting to t4c.
  • One of the two options:

    • $T4C_JSON with a list of repositories with name, host, port and instance name as JSON:

            "repository": "repoCapella",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 2036,
            "instance": "", //optional, required if the repository names are not unique
            "protocol": "ssl" //optional, defaults to ssl

      The environment variables $T4C_SERVER_HOST, $T4C_SERVER_PORT and $T4C_REPOSITORIES will be ignored.

    • Three environment variables:

      • $T4C_SERVER_HOST with the IP-Address of your T4C server (default:
      • $T4C_SERVER_PORT with the port of your T4C server (default: 2036).
      • $T4C_REPOSITORIES with a comma-seperated list of repositories. These repositories show up as default options on connection (e.g. repo1,repo2).

When Capella has started, you should see the T4C models in the dropdown menu of the connection dialog.