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TeamForCapella client exporter


The Docker image name for this image is t4c/client/base


The exporter can export a model from Git to a TeamForCapella repository with the merge-strategy of TeamForCapella.

The T4C client exporter image imports a model from a git repository and exports it to a T4C server.

Build it yourself

Build it manually with Docker

Build instructions are the same as the T4C client base image.

Run the container

Run the following command to export from Git to T4C:

docker run -d \
  -e GIT_REPO_URL= \
  -e GIT_REPO_BRANCH=main \
  -e GIT_USERNAME=user \
  -e GIT_PASSWORD=password \
  -e T4C_REPO_HOST=localhost \
  -e T4C_REPO_PORT=2036 \
  -e T4C_REPO_NAME=repoCapella \
  -e T4C_PROJECT_NAME=test \
  -e T4C_USERNAME=user \
  -e T4C_PASSWORD=password \
  t4c/client/base export

You can find the description for these values in the run instructions of the importer.


Manual Testing

For development purposes, you can test the exporter locally.


For the next steps, you need a running TeamForCapella server.

  1. Start a lightweight local Git server with the following command:
    make run-local-git-server
  2. Clone the sample repository:
    git clone 'http://localhost:10001/git/git-test-repo.git'
  3. Copy the model to the newly created repository. Push the model you'd like to export:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push
  4. Set the GIT_REPO_ENTRYPOINT environment variable to the relative path from the root of the repository to the aird file:

    export GIT_REPO_ENTRYPOINT="path/to/your/model.aird"
  5. Create a new TeamForCapella repository via the REST API.

  6. Set the T4C_REPO_NAME environment variable to the repository name that you chose in the previous step:

    export T4C_REPO_NAME="repoCapella"
  7. Run the following command to start the exporter:

    make run-t4c/client/exporter

  8. Connect to the repository from a Capella client to verify that the model was exported correctly.