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The cleanup template is designed to address the issue of legacy or remaining Docker containers resulting from a canceled or timed-out pipeline in the GitLab CI/CD workflow. It provides a mechanism to clean up test Docker containers to ensure a clean and consistent environment for subsequent pipeline runs.


To use the cleanup template, you need to include the template in your .gitlab-ci.yml:

  - remote:${CAPELLA_DOCKER_IMAGES_REVISION}/ci-templates/gitlab/cleanup.yml

This template supports the following variables:

  • Description: Controls the cleanup behavior for test Docker containers.
  • Allowed values:
    • 0 (default): Do not clean up test Docker containers.
    • 1: Clean up test Docker containers.


The cleanup template implements a specific logic to remove test Docker containers based on their labels. This logic ensures that any containers labeled with capella-dockerimages-pytest-container=true are stopped and removed.


The template script performs the following actions:

  1. Retrieves the IDs of the test Docker containers labeled with capella-dockerimages-pytest-container=true.
  2. If any test containers are found:
  3. Stops the containers using the docker stop command.
  4. Removes the containers using the docker rm command.
  5. If no test containers are found, the script exits with a status of 0.


This template serves as a workaround until GitLab introduces proper cleanup functionality for unsuccessful job cases (i.e., after_script). You can monitor the progress of this feature in the following GitLab issue: