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Memory options for Eclipse

To specify fixed memory options for the JVM, you can pass the following environment variables to the docker run commands:

  • MEMORY_MIN (default 70%), translated to -Xms for absolute values and -XX:InitialRAMPercentage and -XX:MinRAMPercentage for percentage values. Percentage values are calculated according to the total memory or the requested memory by the container.
  • MEMORY_MAX (default 90%), translated to -Xmx for absolute values and -XX:MaxRAMPercentage for percentage values. Percentage values are calculated according to the total memory of the system or the total memory available to the container.

If the value ends with a %, we assume that it's a percentage value.

  • If used in a Kubernetes cluster, it determines the values from the Pod requests/limits.
  • If used on a host system, it determines the value from the host memory.

See also:
