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Jupyter Notebooks

Build the jupyter-notebook image

The jupyter-notebook image provides a JupyterLab server that can run on the Collab-Manager environment.

The image is configured to connect to the same workspace shared volume as the Capella remote images. If the notebooks/ folder on the shared volume contains a requirements.txt file, dependencies defined in that file will be installed before the server launches.

docker build -t jupyter-notebook jupyter-notebook

Run the jupyter-notebook image

docker run -ti --rm -e WORKSPACE_DIR=/tmp/notebooks -p 8888:8888 jupyter-notebook

The following environment variables can be defined:

  • JUPYTER_PORT: The port to run the jupyter server on.
  • WORKSPACE_DIR: The working directory for JupyterLab.
  • JUPYTER_BASE_URL: A context path to access the jupyter server. This allows you to run multiple server containers on the same domain.
  • JUPYTER_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES: A space-separated list of additional pip dependencies to install. The variable is passed to the pip install -U command and may include additional flags. The value is not escaped, only use trusted values.