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Papyrus base


The Docker image name for this image is papyrus/base

The Papyrus base image runs Eclipse Payprus in a Docker container. The Papyrus client can be downloaded and can optionally be customised prior to building the Docker image.

Supported versions

The image has been tested with the following versions:

  • 6.4.0 (2023-03 release)

The only supported build architecture is amd64. To build and run the image on other build architectures, use QEMU or Rosetta.

Use the prebuilt image

The Papyrus image is not available as prebuilt image yet.

Build it yourself


Download Papyrus

Download a Papyrus Linux binary tar.gz archive. You can get a release directly from Papyrus. Visit to find the "Latest Released RCP".

Place the downloaded archive in the subdirectory papyrus/versions/$PAPYRUS_VERSION of the present repository and ensure that the end result is either

  • papyrus/versions/$PAPYRUS_VERSION/papyrus.tar.gz.

where PAPYRUS_VERSION refers to the semantic version of Papyrus, e.g. 6.4.0 for the 2023-03 release.

Optional: Customisation of the Papyrus client

To customise the Papyrus client you can

  1. extract the downloaded archive,
  2. apply any modifications (e.g., installation of plugins and/ or dropins) to it, and
  3. compress the modified folder to get a papyrus.tar.gz again.

Build it manually with Docker

docker build -t papyrus/base papyrus --build-arg PAPYRUS_VERSION=$PAPYRUS_VERSION

If you want to configure the JVM memory options, have a look at Eclipse memory options.

Run the container

Locally on X11 systems

If you don't need remote access, have a local X11 server running and just want to run Papyrus locally, this may be the best option for you.

On some systems, you have to whitelist connections to the X-Server with:

xhost +local

It allows all local programs to connect to your X server. You can further restrict the access to the X server. Please read the documentation of xhost for more details.

The container can be started with the following command. The DISPLAY environment has to be passed to the container.

docker run -d \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \

Papyrus should start after a few seconds.

In a remote container (RDP)

Please follow the instructions on the remote page. When running the image, add the following variables to the docker run command:


Please replace the followings variables:

  • AUTOSTART_PAPYRUS defines the autostart behaviour of Papyrus. When set to 1 (default), Papyrus will be started as soon as an RDP connection has been established to the running container.
  • RESTART_PAPYRUS defines the restart behaviour of Papyrus. When set to 1 (default) and when RESTART_PAPYRUS=1, Papyrus will be re-started as soon as it has been exited (after clean quits as well as crashs).