.. Copyright DB InfraGO AG and contributors SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 .. _render-docs-config: Live-Docs rendering =================== The high-level functionality and use cases are described in the :ref:`feature ` documentation page. Here it is described how to set up the Live-Docs rendering. Full Authority Mode ******************* The ``full_authority_config.yaml`` file provides an example configuration for rendering documents in full authority mode. .. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/data/documents/full_authority_config.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 4- This file describes the Jinja2 template for the rendering, the filename, the location, the Polarion project ID. This means it is possible to populate Live-Doc spaces of other projects. A status-allow-list handles the statuses on which the Live-Doc will be updated on. If the status enum isn't provided in the list and the Live-Doc status is changed to it, the service won't update the Live-Doc. This facilitates an efficient and streamlined review and release process, minimizing disruptions. Each instance is a Live-Doc, possibly targeting a specific model element. With `work_item_layouts` the representational configuration of work items in the Live-Doc are managed. Mixed Authority Mode ******************** The `mixed_config.yaml` file describes how to set up mixed authority mode Live-Docs for automated rendering. .. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/data/documents/mixed_config.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 4- .. _mixed-sections-config: Under `sections` the individual templates are listed to populate the marked sections from the Live-Doc. The following macro is used as dividers: .. code-block:: html
#set($statusList = ["draft", "planned", "inReview"]) #if ($statusList.contains($document.getStatus().id))

↓↓↓Below this point all content is autogenerated and will be overwritten↓↓↓

This looks then like the following in the Live-Doc: .. image:: ../_static/mixed-authority-live-doc-divider-down.png Don't forget to do the same for closing the section: .. image:: ../_static/mixed-authority-live-doc-divider-up.png Configuration File Templates ---------------------------- The `config.yaml.j2` file in the `documents` folder serves as the primary configuration template for the Live-Doc rendering service. This Jinja2 template defines how data from the Capella model should be structured and rendered into Polarion Live-Docs. .. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/data/documents/config.yaml.j2 :language: jinja :lines: 4- Using this template, the service can populate sections of the Live-Doc with content based on the selected rendering mode. When working in Mixed authority mode, the marked sections in the document will be populated, leaving the unmarked sections untouched.