
This section describes how to use the Capella ROS Tools CLI.

Import ROS2 Messages:

python -m capella_ros_tools import -i <INPUT> -m <MODEL> -l <LAYER> -o <OUTPUT> --no-deps
  • -i/–input, path to folder with .msg files.

  • -m/–model, path to the Capella model.

  • -l/–layer, layer to import the messages to.

  • -r/–root, UUID of the root package to import the messages to.

  • -t/–type, UUID of the types package to import the generated data types to.

  • –no-deps, flag to disable import of ROS2 dependencies (e.g. std_msgs)

  • -o/–output, path to output decl YAML.

Export Capella Model (experimental):

python -m capella_ros_tools export -m <MODEL> -l <LAYER> -o <OUTPUT>
  • -m/–model, path to the Capella model.

  • -l/–layer, layer to export the messages from.

  • -r/–root, UUID of the root package to export the messages from.

  • -o/–output, path to output folder.