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Applying conditional styling🔗

You can style your rendered diagram-SVGs individually with functions such that explicit highlighting of objects can be achieved. With this you can control styling of ElkChildTypes during the serialization while rendering.

Since SVGs can be styled via CSS your options are gigantic. An example is given by the styling of Actor Functions (i.e. Functions which their parent Subsystem has the attribute is_actor=True) like it is done in Capella. These appear to be blue.


import capellambse

model = capellambse.MelodyModel("tests/data/ContextDiagram.aird")
diag = model.by_uuid("957c5799-1d4a-4ac0-b5de-33a65bf1519c").context_diagram
Context diagram of Lost SystemFunction with blue actor styling

This is currently the default style which overrides the default from py-capellambse.

No symbol rendering🔗

There are some ModelObjects that are displayed as symbols in a diagram (e.g. Capabilities or Missions). The .display_symbols_as_boxes attribute gives you the control to render these as boxes such that the symbol is displayed as an icon beside the box-label. Per default this attribute is set to True.

Box-only style for Context diagram of Middle OperationalCapability [OCB]

from capellambse import aird

diag = model.by_uuid("da08ddb6-92ba-4c3b-956a-017424dbfe85").context_diagram
diag.display_symbols_as_boxes = True # per default
Context of Middle OperationalCapability [OCB] no-symbols

Box-only style for Context diagram of Capability Capability [MCB]

from capellambse import aird

diag = model.by_uuid("9390b7d5-598a-42db-bef8-23677e45ba06").context_diagram
diag.display_symbols_as_boxes = True # per default
Context of Capability Capability [MCB] no-symbols

No edge labels🔗

The no_edgelabels render parameter prevents edge labels from being displayed.

No-edgelabels style for Context diagram of Capability Capability [MCB]

import capellambse

model = capellambse.MelodyModel("tests/data/ContextDiagram.aird")
diag = model.by_uuid("957c5799-1d4a-4ac0-b5de-33a65bf1519c").context_diagram
diag.render("svgdiagram", no_edgelabels=True).save(pretty=True)
Context diagram of educate Wizards LogicalFunction no-edgelabels

Examples for custom styling🔗

You can switch to py-capellambse default styling by overriding the render_styles Attribute with an empty dictionary:

No styling

from capellambse import aird
from capellambse_context_diagrams import styling

diag = model.by_uuid("957c5799-1d4a-4ac0-b5de-33a65bf1519c").context_diagram
diag.render_styles = {}
Context diagram of educate Wizards LogicalFunction w/o any styles

You probably noticed that the SystemAnalysis diagrams on the index page have custom styling. There we applied the SYSTEM_EX_RELABEL filter and SYSTEM_CAP_STYLING style. These styles are applied per default.

Style your diagram elements (ElkChildType) arbitrarily:

Red junction point

from capellambse import aird
from capellambse_context_diagrams import styling

diag = model.by_uuid("a5642060-c9cc-4d49-af09-defaa3024bae").context_diagram
diag.render_styles = dict(
    junction=lambda obj, serializer: {"stroke": aird.RGB(220, 20, 60)},
Context diagram of Lost SystemFunction with junction point styling