raillabel_providerkit.validation package



raillabel_providerkit.validation.issue module

class raillabel_providerkit.validation.issue.Issue(type: IssueType, identifiers: IssueIdentifiers | list[str | int], reason: str | None = None)

Bases: object

An error that was found inside the scene.

identifiers: IssueIdentifiers | list[str | int]
reason: str | None = None
type: IssueType
class raillabel_providerkit.validation.issue.IssueIdentifiers(annotation: UUID | None = None, attribute: str | None = None, frame: int | None = None, object: UUID | None = None, object_type: str | None = None, sensor: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Information for locating an issue.

annotation: UUID | None = None
attribute: str | None = None
frame: int | None = None
object: UUID | None = None
object_type: str | None = None
sensor: str | None = None
class raillabel_providerkit.validation.issue.IssueType(*values)

Bases: Enum

General classification of the issue.

ATTRIBUTE_MISSING = 'AttributeMissing'
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 'AttributeTypeIssue'
ATTRIBUTE_UNDEFINED = 'AttributeUndefined'
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 'AttributeValueIssue'
EMPTY_FRAMES = 'EmptyFramesIssue'
MISSING_EGO_TRACK = 'MissingEgoTrackIssue'
OBJECT_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 'ObjectTypeUndefined'
RAIL_SIDE = 'RailSide'
SCHEMA = 'SchemaIssue'
SENSOR_ID_UNKNOWN = 'SensorIdUnknown'
SENSOR_TYPE_WRONG = 'SensorTypeWrong'
UNEXPECTED_CLASS = 'UnexpectedClassIssue'
URI_FORMAT = 'UriFormatIssue'

raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate module

raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate.validate(scene_source: dict | Path, ontology_source: dict | Path | None = None, validate_for_empty_frames: bool = True, validate_for_rail_side_order: bool = True, validate_for_missing_ego_track: bool = True, validate_for_sensors: bool = True, validate_for_uris: bool = True) list[Issue]

Validate a scene based on the Deutsche Bahn Requirements.


scene_source: The scene either as a dictionary or as a Path to the scene source file. ontology_source: The dataset ontology as a dictionary or as a Path to the ontology YAML

file. If not None, issues are returned if the scene contains annotations with invalid attributes or object types. Default is None.

validate_for_empty_frames (optional): If True, issues are returned if the scene contains

frames without annotations. Default is True.

validate_for_rail_side_order: If True, issues are returned if the scene contains track with

a mismatching rail side order. Default is True.

validate_for_missing_ego_track: If True, issues are returned if the scene contains frames

where the ego track (the track the recording train is driving on) is missing. Default is True.

validate_for_sensors: If True, issues are returned if the scene contains sensors that are

not supported or have the wrong sensor type.

validate_for_uris: If True, issues are returned if the uri fields in the scene contain

unsupported values.


List of all requirement errors in the scene. If an empty list is returned, then there are no errors present and the scene is valid.

Module contents

Package for validating raillabel data regarding the format requirements.

class raillabel_providerkit.validation.Issue(type: IssueType, identifiers: IssueIdentifiers | list[str | int], reason: str | None = None)

Bases: object

An error that was found inside the scene.

identifiers: IssueIdentifiers | list[str | int]
reason: str | None = None
type: IssueType
class raillabel_providerkit.validation.IssueIdentifiers(annotation: UUID | None = None, attribute: str | None = None, frame: int | None = None, object: UUID | None = None, object_type: str | None = None, sensor: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Information for locating an issue.

annotation: UUID | None = None
attribute: str | None = None
frame: int | None = None
object: UUID | None = None
object_type: str | None = None
sensor: str | None = None
class raillabel_providerkit.validation.IssueType(*values)

Bases: Enum

General classification of the issue.

ATTRIBUTE_MISSING = 'AttributeMissing'
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 'AttributeTypeIssue'
ATTRIBUTE_UNDEFINED = 'AttributeUndefined'
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 'AttributeValueIssue'
EMPTY_FRAMES = 'EmptyFramesIssue'
MISSING_EGO_TRACK = 'MissingEgoTrackIssue'
OBJECT_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 'ObjectTypeUndefined'
RAIL_SIDE = 'RailSide'
SCHEMA = 'SchemaIssue'
SENSOR_ID_UNKNOWN = 'SensorIdUnknown'
SENSOR_TYPE_WRONG = 'SensorTypeWrong'
UNEXPECTED_CLASS = 'UnexpectedClassIssue'
URI_FORMAT = 'UriFormatIssue'
raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_empty_frames(scene: Scene) list[Issue]

Validate whether all frames of a scene have at least one annotation.

If an empty list is returned, then there are no errors present.

raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_missing_ego_track(scene: Scene) list[Issue]

Validate whether all middle cameras have ego track annotations.


scene (raillabel.Scene) – Scene, that should be validated.


list of all missing ego track errors in the scene. If an empty list is returned, then there are no errors present.

Return type:


raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_ontology(scene: Scene, ontology_input: dict | Path) list[Issue]

Validate a scene based on the classes and attributes.

  • scene (raillabel.Scene) – The scene containing the annotations.

  • ontology_input (dict or Path) – Ontology YAML-data or file containing a information about all classes and their attributes. The ontology must adhere to the ontology_schema. If a path is provided, the file is loaded as a YAML.


list of all ontology errors in the scene. If an empty list is returned, then there are no errors present.

Return type:


raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_rail_side(scene: Scene) list[Issue]

Validate whether all tracks have <= one left and right rail, and that they have correct order.


scene (raillabel.Scene) – Scene, that should be validated.


list of all rail side errors in the scene. If an empty list is returned, then there are no errors present.

Return type:


raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_schema(data: dict) list[Issue]

Validate a scene for adherence to the raillabel schema.

raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_sensors(scene: Scene) list[Issue]

Validate whether whether all sensors have supported names and have the correct type.

raillabel_providerkit.validation.validate_uris(scene: Scene) list[Issue]

Validate wether all uri fields in a scene comply with the schema.