capella2polarion.connectors package

Package for all conversion related activities.


capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_repo module

Module providing a universal PolarionDataRepository class.


A dict providing a mapping for documents and their text workitems.

It has (project, space, name) of the document as key and (document, workitems) as value. The project can be None and the None value means that the document is in the same project as the model sync work items.

alias of dict[tuple[str | None, str, str], tuple[Document | None, list[WorkItem]]]

class capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_repo.PolarionDataRepository(polarion_work_items: list[CapellaWorkItem] | None = None)

Bases: object

A mapping to access all contents by Capella and Polarion IDs.

This class only holds data already present in Polarion. It only receives updates if data were written to Polarion. There shall be no intermediate data stored here during serialization.

get_capella_uuid(work_item_id: str) str | None

Return a Capella UUID for a given Work Item ID.

get_work_item_by_capella_uuid(capella_uuid: str) CapellaWorkItem | None

Return a Work Item for a provided Capella UUID.

get_work_item_by_polarion_id(work_item_id: str) CapellaWorkItem | None

Return a Work Item for a provided Work Item ID.

get_work_item_id(capella_uuid: str) str | None

Return a Work Item ID for a given Capella UUID.

items() Iterator[tuple[str, str, CapellaWorkItem]]

Yield all Capella UUIDs, Work Item IDs and Work Items.

remove_work_items_by_capella_uuid(uuids: Iterable[str])

Remove entries for the given Capella UUIDs.

update_work_items(work_items: list[CapellaWorkItem])

Update all mappings for the given Work Items.

capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_repo.check_work_items(work_items: Iterable[CapellaWorkItem])

Raise a ValueError if any work item has no ID.

capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_worker module

Module for polarion API client work.

class capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_worker.CapellaPolarionWorker(params: PolarionWorkerParams, force_update: bool = False)

Bases: object

CapellaPolarionWorker encapsulate the Polarion API Client work.

check_client() None

Instantiate the polarion client as member.

compare_and_update_work_item(converter_data: ConverterData)

Patch a given WorkItem.

compare_and_update_work_items(converter_session: dict[str, ConverterData]) None

Update work items in a Polarion project.

create_documents(document_datas: list[DocumentData], document_project: str | None = None)

Create new documents.


If the document_project is None the default client is taken.

create_missing_work_items(converter_session: dict[str, ConverterData]) None

Post work items in a Polarion project.

delete_orphaned_work_items(converter_session: dict[str, ConverterData]) None

Delete work items in a Polarion project.

If the delete flag is set to False in the context work items are marked as to be deleted via the status attribute.

get_document(space: str, name: str, document_project: str | None = None) Document | None

Get a document from polarion and return None if not found.


If the document_project is None the default client is taken.

Return an ID-Link dict of links present in left and not in right.

load_polarion_documents(document_infos: Iterable[DocumentInfo]) dict[tuple[str | None, str, str], tuple[Document | None, list[WorkItem]]]

Load the documents referenced and text work items from Polarion.


Return a map from Capella UUIDs to Polarion work items.

update_attachments(new: CapellaWorkItem, old_checksums: dict[str, str], new_checksums: dict[str, str], old_attachments: list[WorkItemAttachment]) bool

Delete, create and update attachments in one go.

Returns True if new attachments were created. After execution all attachments of the new work item should have IDs.

update_documents(document_datas: list[DocumentData], document_project: str | None = None)

Update existing documents.


If the document_project is None the default client is taken.

class capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_worker.PolarionWorkerParams(project_id: str, url: str, pat: str, delete_work_items: bool)

Bases: object

Container for Polarion Params.

capella2polarion.connectors.polarion_worker.WORK_ITEMS_IN_PROJECT_QUERY = "SQL:(SELECT item.* FROM POLARION.WORKITEM item, POLARION.MODULE doc, POLARION.PROJECT proj WHERE proj.C_ID = '{project}' AND doc.FK_PROJECT = proj.C_PK AND doc.C_ID = '{doc_name}' AND doc.C_MODULEFOLDER = '{doc_folder}' AND item.C_TYPE = '{wi_type}' AND EXISTS (SELECT rel1.* FROM POLARION.REL_MODULE_WORKITEM rel1 WHERE rel1.FK_URI_MODULE = doc.C_URI AND rel1.FK_URI_WORKITEM = item.C_URI))"

An SQL query to get work items which are inserted in a given document.