Render Live-Docs

The capella2polarion service supports rendering and updating Polarion Live Documents in two distinct modes: Full authority and Mixed authority. These modes control how sections of the Live Document (Live-Doc) are populated and managed. References to the work items from the model elements synchronization are resolved automatically. The service is able to populate Live-Doc spaces completely on its own, managing the complexity of the document layout configuration for each work item type. The only thing needed for the service is a dedicated Polarion document space, _default can be used too.

The setup and configuration is explained in detail in the Live-Docs rendering documentation page.

Full Authority Mode

In Full authority mode, the entire Live-Doc is controlled by the capella2polarion service. During each rendering session, the entire document is re-rendered and updated based on the data provided by the Capella model. Any manual edits or changes made by a user in Polarion will be overwritten during the next synchronization process if the status is still set to a value in the status_allow_list. Don’t worry comments will persist because everything in the rendered Live-Doc is a work item. Headings are reused, free text will be created as a work item of type Text. The status feature enables an efficient and streamlined review and release process, minimizing disruptions during the phases.

It is ensured that the Live-Doc is always consistent with the Capella model and Polarion project state, but it means that no manual changes can persist between rendering sessions.

Mixed Authority Mode

In mixed authority mode, users have more flexibility over the Live-Doc. Users can mark specific sections of the Live-Doc via wiki-macro where they would like content to be inserted or updated by the capella2polarion service. If you want to see how this looks like, have a look in the configuration documentation page. These sections are populated with content rendered from Jinja2 templates, while the rest of the document can be manually managed and updated by users in Polarion.

This allows users to maintain manual changes in non-synchronized sections of the document, while still benefiting from automated updates for key sections filled with model enhanced content.

If you want to know how to setup the Live-Doc rendering, head to the documentation page.