10. Context Diagrams Extension

We have an extension that visualizes contexts of Capella objects. The viewpoint definiton depends on the object type. The extension is external to capellambse library and needs to be installed separately. You may use the below command to install it or find more guidance in the package documentation.

!pip install -q capellambse_context_diagrams

Now that the lib is installed we can load a test model

from IPython.display import HTML, display  # we'll need that later

import capellambse

path_to_model = "../../../tests/data/melodymodel/5_2/Melody Model Test.aird"
model = capellambse.MelodyModel(path_to_model)

10.1. Logical Component Context

and now as the model is loaded lets have a look at a context diagram for the School component

cmp = model.la.all_components.by_name("Whomping Willow")

10.2. Component Exchange Context

We also found it useful to spell-out the ComponentExchanges - this gives us a nice overview of functional interactions between the components


it also works for more complex arrangements but we dont have one in the current test model ;-)

10.3. Functional (dataflow) Context

same applies for functions - we saw it useful to see what functions are dependent on an output of a function of interest and what inputs it needs to do what it should. We frequently use that view in documentation

fnc = model.la.all_functions.by_name("educate Wizards")

10.4. Layers, other than LA

Other layers are supported too - for complete list see https://capellambse-context-diagrams.readthedocs.io/#features

for act in model.oa.all_activities:
    display(HTML(f"<h3>Context of {act.name}</h3>"))

Context of Root Operational Activity


Context of Sleep


Context of Eat


Context of Spawn wild animal


Context of Make Food


Context of Hunt wild animal


Context of Search for animals


Context of Play games


Context of Spawn tree


Context of Create landslide


Context of Spawn water


Context of Build house


Context of Run away


Context of Repeat


Context of Kill


10.5. Customizing context views

For almost every context view you can do some tuning. Just like in Capella itself you can apply view filters, like hide or show exchange items instead or next to exchange names. You can see more of the tuning options here: https://capellambse-context-diagrams.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extras/filters

for cap in model.oa.all_capabilities:
    display(HTML(f"<h3>Context of {cap.name}</h3>"))
    diag = cap.context_diagram
    diag.display_symbols_as_boxes = True
    diag.render(None, no_edgelabels=True)

Context of Stay alive


Context of Escape predators


Context of Eat food


Context of Provide environment to live in


Context of Provide clean water


Context of Provide food sources
