Introduction to py-capellambse API

py-capellambse provides access to model elements using a meta-model similar to the one of Capella. However in this meta-model we make a few simplifications. A collection of automated tests and design reviews help us to ensure that those simplifications don’t break compatibility with original Capella models (however coverage isn’t complete yet).

As you may know the meta-model behind Capella is layered. There are many packages involved and there is a long inheritance chain behind almost every model element. We are simplifying that by “flattening” the lower layers.

You may see an example of how that works in the figure below:


In the example above we see that LogicalFunction is a subtype of AbstractFunction, just like SystemFunction or OperationalActivity. Because of that, all of those subtypes can be .available_in_states or have a layer-specific structural owner, like LogicalComponent for LogicalFunction. Any layer-specific class that inherits from Component may also have state_machines.

The API reference part of this documentation provides you with the complete (as it is generated from the code base) list of available methods and attributes.

Layer-specific packages

The following packages enable working with model layers:

Cross-layer packages

The following packages enable all (almost) of the layer packages:

Extension packages