Declarative modelling

Added in version 0.5.0: Introduced the declarative modelling module.

py-capellambse supports declarative modelling with the capellambse.decl module. This requires the optional dependency capellambse[decl] to be installed.

The YAML-based declarative modelling engine combines a few simple concepts into a powerful, but easy to use file format. These files can then be applied to any model supported by py-capellambse.


Here is an example YAML file that declares a simple coffee machine with a couple of functions, and functional exchanges between them:

 1- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440 # root logical component
 2  extend:
 3    components:
 4      - name: Coffee Machine
 5        allocated_functions:
 6          - !promise brew coffee
 7- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d # root logical function
 8  extend:
 9    functions:
10      - name: brew coffee
11        promise_id: brew coffee
12        inputs:
13          - name: Portafilter port
14          - name: Steam port
15            promise_id: steam input
16        outputs:
17          - name: Fluid port
18          - name: Waste port
19            promise_id: waste output
20      - name: produce steam
21        inputs:
22          - name: Water port
23          - name: Power port
24          - name: User command
25        outputs:
26          - name: Steam port
27            promise_id: steam output
28      - name: collect process waste
29        inputs:
30          - name: Waste port
31            promise_id: waste input
32    exchanges:
33      - name: Steam
34        source: !promise steam output
35        target: !promise steam input
36      - name: Waste
37        source: !promise waste output
38        target: !promise waste input

CLI usage

If the additional optional dependency capellambse[decl,cli] is installed, this file can be applied from the command line. Assuming it is saved as coffee-machine.yml, it can then be applied to a locally stored Capella model like this:

python -m capellambse.decl --model path/to/model.aird coffee-machine.yml

Refer to the capellambse.cli_helpers.loadcli() documentation to find out the supported argument format for --model.

API usage

Declarative YAML can also be applied programmatically, by calling the capellambse.decl.apply() function. It takes a (loaded) py-capellambse model, and either a path to a file or a file-like object. To pass in a string containing YAML, wrap it in io.StringIO:

import io, capellambse.decl
my_model = capellambse.MelodyModel(...)
my_yaml = "..."

capellambse.decl.apply(my_model, io.StringIO(my_yaml))

Format description

The expected YAML follows a simple format, where a parent object (i.e. an object that already exists in the model) is selected, and one or more of three different operations is applied to it:

  • extend-ing the object on list attributes,

  • set-ting properties on the object itself,

  • sync-ing objects into the model, or

  • delete-ing one or more children.

Selecting a parent

There are a few ways to select a parent object from the model.

The most straight-forward way is to use the universally unique ID (UUID), using the !uuid YAML tag. The following query selects the root logical function in our test model:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d

A more versatile way involves the !find YAML tag, which allows specifying a set of attributes in order to filter down to a single model element. This tag simply takes a mapping of all the attributes to select for. This usually also involves the element’s type (or class), which is selectable with the _type attribute:

- parent: !find
    _type: LogicalFunction
  # ^-- note the leading underscore, to disambiguate from the "type"
  # property that exists on some model elements
    name: Root Logical Function
  set: [...]

The !find tag also supports dot-notation for filtering on nested attributes.

- parent: !find
    _type: FunctionOutputPort
    name: FOP 1 manage the school
  set: [...]

Extending objects

The following subsections show how to create completely new objects, or reference and move already existing ones, using examples of declarative YAML files on ElementListCouplingMixin-ish attributes. The extension of one-to-one attributes works in the same way, adhering to the YAML syntax.

Creating new objects

LogicalFunction objects have several different attributes which can be modified from a declarative YAML file. For example, it is possible to create new sub-functions. This snippet creates a function with the name “brew coffee” directly below the root function:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - name: brew coffee

Functions can be nested arbitrarily deeply, and can also receive any other supported attributes at the same time. The “brew coffee” function for example could further receive nested child functions, each providing an output port:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - name: brew coffee
          - name: grind beans
              - name: Ground Beans port
          - name: heat water
              - name: Hot Water port

While objects that already exist in the base model can be referenced with !uuid, this is not possible for objects declared by the YAML file, as they will have a random UUID assigned to ensure uniqueness. For this reason, a promise mechanic exists, which allows to “tag” any declared object with a promise_id, and later reference that object with the !promise YAML tag. These promise IDs are user defined strings. The only requirement is that two objects cannot receive the same ID, however they can be referenced any number of times. This example snippet demonstrates how to declare two logical functions, which communicate through a functional exchange:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - name: brew coffee
          - name: Steam port
            promise_id: steam-input
      - name: produce steam
          - name: Steam port
            promise_id: steam-output
      - name: Steam
        source: !promise steam-output
        target: !promise steam-input

The !promise tag (and the !uuid tag as well) can be used anywhere where a model object is expected.

Creating new references

It is important to understand when new model objects are created and when only references are added. The following example would create a reference in the .allocated_functions attribute of the LogicalComponent which is also the logical root_component (parent) to the logical root_function:

- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440
      - !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d

This is caused by the type of relationship (non- DirectProxyAccessor) between the parent and its allocated_functions.

It is also possible to create references to promised objects, but extra caution for declaring promise_ids for resolving these promises successfully:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - name: The promised one
        promise_id: promised-fnc
- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440
      - !promise promised-fnc

The promise_id declaration can also happen after referencing it.

Moving objects

The following example would move a logical function from underneath a LogicalFunctionPkg (accessible via functions) into functions of the logical root_function (parent) since the functions attribute has a parent/children relationship (i.e. the DirectProxyAccessor is used).

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - !uuid 8833d2dc-b862-4a50-b26c-6f7e0f17faef

Setting properties

After selecting a parent, it is also possible to directly change its properties without introducing new objects into the model. This happens by specifying the attributes in the set: key.

The following example would change the name of the root LogicalComponent to “Coffee Machine” (notice how we use a different UUID than before):

- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440
    name: Coffee Machine

This is not limited to string attributes; it is just as well possible to change e.g. numeric properties. This example changes the min_card property of an ExchangeItemElement to 0 and the max_card to infinity, effectively removing both limitations:

- parent: !uuid 81b87fcc-03cf-434b-ad5b-ef18266c5a3e
    min_card: 0
    max_card: .inf

Synchronizing objects

The sync: key is a combination of the above extend: and set: keys. Using it, it is possible to modify objects that already exist, or create new objects if they don’t exist yet.

Unlike the other keys however, sync: takes two sets of attributs: one that is used to find a matching object (using the find: key), and one that is only used to set values once the object of interest was found (using the set: key).

This operation also supports Promise IDs, which are resolved either using the found existing object or the newly created one.

The following snippet ensures that the root LogicalFunction contains a subfunction “brew coffee” with the given description. A function named “brew coffee” will be used if it already exists, but if not, a new one will be created. In either case, the used function will resolve the “brew-coffee” promise, which can be used to reference it elsewhere:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d  # the root function
      - find:
          name: brew coffee
          description: This function brews coffee.
        promise_id: brew-coffee
- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440  # the root component
      - !promise brew-coffee

Deleting objects

Finally, with declarative modelling files, it is possible to delete objects from the model. Depending on where the delete operation occurs, either the target object is deleted entirely, or only the link to it is destroyed.

Currently, objects to be deleted can only be selected by their UUID.

For example, this snippet deletes the logical function named “produce Great Wizards” from the model:

- parent: !uuid f28ec0f8-f3b3-43a0-8af7-79f194b29a2d
      - !uuid 0e71a0d3-0a18-4671-bba0-71b5f88f95dd

In contrast, this snippet only removes its allocation to the “Hogwarts” root component, but the function still exists afterwards:

- parent: !uuid 0d2edb8f-fa34-4e73-89ec-fb9a63001440
      - !uuid 0e71a0d3-0a18-4671-bba0-71b5f88f95dd