Audit events

py-capellambse fires sys.audit() events for certain calls in the high-level API. These events can be inspected by a callable registered with sys.addaudithook().


System audit hooks cannot be removed once they were registered. When storing a reference to a model in an audit hook, make sure that the reference is destroyed properly to avoid unnecessary memory consumption.

Also refer to the capellambse.auditing.AttributeAuditor for an example class that records read access to all attributes in a model using the capellambse.getattr audit event.

For programmatic use, a set of all events that signify changes to the model is available as the events class variable on the WriteProtector.

List of audit events fired by py-capellambse

The following table shows all audit events that are fired by capellambse.


For some calls, multiple events may be fired. For example, a capellambse.create event is always followed by another event (such as capellambse.insert) when adding the newly created object to the model tree.




Added in version 0.5.11.

An attribute is accessed for reading.


  1. obj: The object that was accessed.

  2. attr: The attribute on that object.

  3. value: The value that is going to be returned. Use this to avoid recursive loops when inspecting the object.


This event will also be fired for internal read accesses, for example when searching the model for references to another object. Currently there is no reliable way to distinguish between explicit (user) access and these internal calls.


Added in version pre-0.5.

Deprecated since version 0.5.11: Use the getattr event instead.

Deprecated alias of capellambse.getattr.


Added in version 0.5.11.

An attribute is about to be changed.


  1. obj: The object being changed.

  2. attr: The name of the attribute.

  3. value: The new value.


Added in version 0.5.11.

An object or a list of objects is about to be deleted from the model.

This is also fired when purging left-over references while deleting another object.


  1. parent: The current parent object.

  2. attr: The attribute that contains the object to be deleted.

  3. index: If a single object from a list is being deleted, contains the index of that object into the list. If the entire attribute is deleted (in the case of lists: the list is emptied), contains None.


Added in version 0.5.11.

An item is about to be inserted into a coupled ElementList.


  1. parent: The object being changed.

  2. attr: The attribute that contains this list.

  3. index: The index into the list to insert into. May be len(the_list) (or greater) to signify appending to the end.

  4. value: The value being inserted.


Added in version 0.5.11.

A new object was just created, but is not yet part of the model.


  1. parent: The new parent object.

  2. attr: The attribute that contains this list.

  3. index: The index into the list to insert into. May be len(the_list) (or greater) to signify appending to the end.

  4. value: The newly created object.

Implementation notes

Audit events are generally fired from these locations:

  1. Read access events (i.e. capellambse.getattr) are fired by each Accessor subclass, just before returning the final value from __get__().

  2. Events that signify modifications to a list are fired by the overridden methods in CoupledElementListMixin (include create), as well as by __setattr__() of GenericElement, before passing the values on to the actual accessor implementation.

  3. The capellambse.delete event for deleting an entire attribute (i.e. the case where the index argument is None) is fired by the relevant Accessor’s __delete__() method.

    Note that for lists, Accessors may instead fire individual delete events for each list item.

In order to prevent audit events from being fired for elements that are still under construction, GenericElement keeps track of the construction state in the _constructed attribute. It becomes True when construction is finished and audit events may be fired. Accessors must not fire any audit events if the object they’re acting on has not been fully constructed.